
An upgrade for the lovers of massage.
The massage lover always chooses the Lokum therapy which is directly related to all the benefits which the bath has to offer. A massage with eucalyptus oil which resembles a balsamic lotion gives you the feeling of coolness, freshness to healthy people as well as to overweight individuals, it stimulates the circulation of the blood and makes you feel lighter and more rested. Your stay inside the bath becomes absolutely beneficial as the muscle mass regains more elasticity as the body's circulation system increases. For a better outcome, we recommend you stay in the bath (less than 30') before and after your treatment.
This therapy detoxifies the body as a whole. Your skin acquires shine and firmness through your stay in the bath. This ritual becomes even more effective and enjoyable by making use of a cold shower in order to switch to and from the bath’s hot temperatures.
  • Recommended

    For people with resistance to the bath temperatures and individuals with arthritic diseases.
  • What you need to know

    The recommended stay inside the bath before the service is up to 30’. Elderly people and people with health issues should always have the consent of their treating physician and should always mention health problems when booking their appointment. Admission to pregnant women, people with heart or contagious diseases is not recommended. Lokum helps increase the circulation and body flexibility.
  • What you will feel

    Deep relaxation due to the stimulation of the circulatory system, energy and tranquility due to the elimination of toxins from your body. The skin becomes glowing and pure.
  • Suggested

    Regularly, onec to two times a week, 25’ to 55’ depending on your preference.
  • Price

    €49.00 / €82.00
  • Duration

    25 / 55 Minutes

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- Massage Benefits