A signature therapy exclusively designed for HAMAM OMERYE. Deep pressures are a ritual of stimulating and awakening the body. A true art of massage is applied solely to the back of the body.
A complete delight for the mind, body and soul. An intense and brief treatment that helps relieve stress. An invigorating experience. Nowadays, the majority of people are taken over by the stress of everyday life. Work fatigue accumulates in the neck and the mass of the muscles in the back, causing chronic headaches to many.
A massage that purifies the body and the soul, perfectly paralleled with the philosophy of the traditional Hamam. A excellent choice for all those involved in intense physical activity, made up of a variety of techniques to strengthen your body. Deep massage moves allow your body to relax and unwind while boosting your lymph microcirculation.
For all individuals over the age of 18 who are involved in intense physical activity, with limited time but an urgent need to relieve stress and rest. Its application upon healthy people is recommended up to once a week. It can also be combined with other services such as the use of the HAMAM bath for better results.
What you need to know
This brief treatment, with deep pressure points that are a stimulanting and activate the circulatory system throughout the body, is not recommended for people with hypertension and other conditions.
What you will feel
Immediate relaxation and rest, calmness throughout the body.
This service is offered in special cabins. Upon request it can be offered in the Après Garden (weather permitting), either alone or with company.
Surat, in Turkish, means ‘face’. The face is our mirror to the world and its care must not be taken for granted. Choose this different and unique treatment using organic products..